Questions and Answers
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Meadowdance Community Group

Questions and Answers

Created 1/10/1998; last updated 04/21/2007 by Ken Winchenbach Walden
2078 VT Route 15, West Danville, VT
An up-to-date copy of this document is kept on the World Wide Web at



Latest changes

04/20/2007 - Updating information
9/11/2003 - Updating information
9/6/2002 - Update after moving to Plainfield
7/6/2002 - Updating information after 6/28 land purchase
7/13/2000 - Information clean-up and formatting improvements courtesy of Marnen
5/19/2000 - Post-move-in update
4/14/2000 - Updates to reflect recent news


If you're interested in Meadowdance, you don't have to agree with everything said here. If you don't at least agree with the major themes, however, this may not be the group for you.



Introduction and Background

Us In A Nutshell

Meadowdance is an egalitarian, child-centered community that welcomes human diversity, ecological sensibility, mutual learning and joy.

Mission Statement from the First Planning Gathering, 9/26/1998

We envision coming together to a place so that we may better live in accordance with our beliefs, and for the joy of community. We believe that all people have high and equal value, and that respect for all living things has priority over material wealth.

We are committed to living our values personally, in the community and in the outside world. We respect people of all races, ethnicities, creeds, ages, genders, sexual orientations, abilities, spiritualities and experiences.

We undertake to create a community in which adults and children can share their lives through work, learning and play and grow with nurturing and support. We will work to provide the basic necessities of life to our community, including food, shelter, health care and mutual support. We are building a diverse rural community that values ecological sustainability, respect and support for children, economic stability, mindfulness, beauty, harmony, simplicity, creativity, joy, honesty, trust, music and fun. We work to grow strong, long-term connections among members and with the outside community. We continually seek to work together, learn together and teach together as much as possible, unifying our working and living into a single environment.

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Why might I be interested in this community?

We formed this community in order to be able to live in a way that is consonant with our values, goals, and ideals. You might be interested in the community if you are interested in: